The Hunger Games. How do I even explain how wonderful these books are? There are two main characters. Katniss (who I dislike very greatly) Then... (Drum roll please) Peeta! My favorite character by the long run! In the picture you see two books right? Well it is a series... so is Maximum ride (See below) The third comes out in September!! I know! AGONY! It's hard to explain. The time is placed in the future. There are twelve districts that all represent something. Like district 11 represents growing food like veggies and fruit. and district 12 = coal and rock etc. Well there's this thing called the Hunger Games when two teens between the ages of 12- 17 from each district get called to participate. So Katniss and Peeta go to the Hunger Games and try to... Win... Lets say this book is a little gory but definetly a good read!!!! :)

My first is "Maximum Ride" It's about these kids who were tested in labs when they were little. Then they escaped. So the lab wants to get them back. They all have powers and well... wings! I enjoyed it so much! I read it in one day. Here's the gang: Max is 14, and Fang is 14 too. Then you have Iggy who is blind and is 13. Next there's Nudge who's talkitive and 11. Gasman is a eight year old. Last butnot least you have Angel who is six. None of them are really family except Gasman and Angel.
Thanks for sharing!