Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Usual Update of the Unusual Banks

I've decided to tell everyone what I think of when I look at my sibilings.
Anna has Always been a natural musician. She makes her own songs on the piano and plays it really well!

I know wood doesn't seem like much... but it really is! Jack has walking sticks and carves many things out of it,and makes great forts! He always "sticks" to what he's doing... ( that was "punny")

Whenever I look in the mirror I see glasses and that's what I think or when I think of myself...

Luke is a great ledo builder! His commitment is awesome! Way-2-go!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Showers, Bring May Flowers!

Wow! It's already April! You know how april is for rain? Well, April is for SNOW in Idaho! It's horrible. It just comes out of nowhere! Anyways, since I haven't poster in a long time I will fill you in on what's been going on for the banks family

Anna got her license a while ago. ( by a while I mean like months ago!) There is no better way to drive a mom crazy, then putting her in a car driven by her teenager! I was with Anna on her first drive (sniffle) It was a great experience!

Christmas snuck up on us and it was very fun! We all got what we wanted! Luke was given two lego sets and started building right away! He LOVES legos

Anna and Luke made a way cool design with a game we have! Ain't it pretty!?